Article | 2:40 min read

Your Room-to-Room Guide for Spring Cleaning

Budget and Save

Aaaah, sweet signs of spring. The spring season is upon us, which means pollen is in the air and allergies are in full swing. Now is the perfect time for your allergies (and home) to start your annual spring cleaning extravaganza.

A person vacuuming

Yes, the thought of cleaning your house may seem very overwhelming. As long as you have a game plan from the start, you'll not only save your sanity, but your pennies too.

How to get started

  1. Your Checklist - The best way to start spring cleaning is with a checklist. Your list should be organized room by room, making sure you focus on one room or area of your home at time.
  2. The Supplies - Before you get started, it's best to make sure you have your supplies on hand. Buy your supplies in bulk or at a local discount store. This will keep you from making that last minute stop on your way home to pick up the multi-surface cleaner for a higher price at the grocery store.
  3. Your Mindset - The best way to quickly and strategically spring clean is to make sure you are in the correct mindset. You're not only cleaning your house to remove the dirt and grit, but cleaning your house of clutter. If you're organized at home, you'll be more likely to be organized at work and in your day-to-day. Be willing to let go of objects that don't really have a purpose and are only collecting dust.

The In-Betweens
As you are moving from room to room, keep these areas in mind.

The Kitchen

The Family Room

The Bedroom

The Bathroom

Outdoor Spaces

Safety Precautions

Once you're finished with your spring cleaning, this is also a great time to take any safety precautions. Change your batteries in your fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors (this should be done twice a year) and make sure all are free of dust. It's also a good idea to change your furnace filter at this time.

Pest Inspections

With spring often comes unwanted visitors. Prevent finding insects and spiders by spraying your home both inside and outside. You can do this yourself by using the right equipment or by hiring a pest control service to get the job done.


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